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Monty Wolfe Photography

Tel: 971-295-9499


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Monty Wolfe is an award-winning filmmaker and artist. He uses photography, film, and writing to humbly explore his life and loves. 


Monty currently resides in Portland, Oregon, pulled there by the gears and clockwork that drive our lives; destiny and burning bushes and all that stuff. He lives to break patterns, face fears, and exist in the moment; a challenge met daily with ferocity and style.



My work interrogates those old fear-based notions, freeing the male form from the traditional constraints, allowing the subject vulnerability, fragility, and the uninhibited exploration of emotions, movement, sex & sexuality, exhibitionism, and self-voyeurism. A consensual exploration of exploitation.  


Misogyny constrains the male body into a product of basic 

functionality, intelligently designed for the tasks of building and fighting and fucking. As a result, the male form is distilled down to function or farce. 

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